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Chapter 3: Writing Mechanics Help
Chapter 12: Teaching Writing
Chapter 23: Teaching Reading
College English Composition: Help and Review
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What Is Problem And Solution Text Structure?

The problem and solution text structure definition is a format of writing that involves setting up the structure of written text to show different problems and then how the problem is solved. Solutions appear in the following ways:

  • Future tense: “how it can be solved”
  • Past tense: “how it was solved”
  • Present tense: “how it is currently being solved”

Problem and solution structures can vary in complexity depending on how in-depth the material needs to be. Some structures include the simple problem and the solution, while others include adding the significance of the problem and the rationale for why the solution would solve the problem. Sometimes a single problem with its solution can be in one paragraph. At the same time, other structures have the problem exist in their paragraph, and the subsequent paragraphs contain the solutions.

An example of how this text structure can be used is article writing. A writer could use problem and solution structure for their entire article, or it could be used in a single paragraph. The writer might have the problem and solution confined to a single paragraph and other paragraphs structured to fit the content contained within them.

Problems will precede solutions in a problem and solution text structure and contain signal words to indicate the structure.

An image of Problem and Solution Written on a Blackboard

Problem and Solution vs. Other Text Structures

While it might seem very easy to write and identify problems and solutions in text, it can be a little more complicated because several other types of structures look similar and serve similar functions. Please consider the following structures:

  • Cause and Effect: Cause and effect text structure is the closest to problem and solution and often creates confusion. Cause and effect present two events and how one event is the cause of another. An example would be to discuss how burning fossil fuels adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere with the effect that the climate changes rapidly.
    • Cause and effect can also look like problem and solution in its presentation. A problem leads to an effect in all cases, so there is often a problem as the cause. If someone is only looking for a problem and not seeing its solution or a cause, the two structures can easily be confused.
  • Compare and Contrast: Comparing and contrasting text structure has a similar base structure of two parts connected. Compare and contrast take two things, like information or events, and find the differences and similarities with each other.
    • This type could look similar in structure to problem and solution because too different problems or two solutions of the same problem could be compared and contrasted.
  • Chronological Order: Chronological order is a text structure that puts information in the order it occurred. There are different types of chronological order and different ways the information can be presented. A timeline is a typical example of a chronological text structure where events and information are presented in sections divided by dates.
    • Chronological order is different from problem and solution but can look similar if the problem and solution events have a timeline associated with them.
  • Listing: Listing structure is done by listing information into sections. They often have titles like The Best Stories of the Year or 10 Heartwarming Events from the Summer.
    • Because they do not function the same as problem and solution, they will lack signal words indicating the problems and solutions. They will often have bullets, letters, or numbers separating the content sections.

Problem and Solution Signal Words

When writing or deciphering problem and solution text, it is important to recognize the signal words used in each one. Signal words are specific words used to indicate the type of content that will follow. The following chart shows some common signal words and a sentence they might appear in for both problem and solution:

Problem Signal Word Sentence Solution Signal Word Sentence
Dilemma A dilemma facing the council is how to regulate traffic. Possibility One possibility is to hire the state to conduct a study.
Issue The main issue is that runoff pollutes the reservoir. Remedy Building up curbs and piping the runoff could remedy the problem.
Quandary How to fix testing in education is a quandary that educators face every year. Resolution Teachers believe the resolution will come in alternate assessments.
Puzzle This puzzle continues to baffle environmentalists Proposition One proposition involves a lengthy field study.
Factors Some factors that lead to the spread of the virus are complex. Answer Sadly, the answer is not simple.

Example of Problem and Solution Text Structure

Presenting information in a problem and solution text structure can make it easier to follow and comprehend because the structure fits the type of information being presented. The following are two examples of problem and solution paragraphs. Note the signal words that indicate when the problem is being presented and when the solution is being presented.

Example 1

One of the biggest dilemmas facing the mass adoption of electric vehicles in the United States is not what most people think. If you ask the average person, they would probably say it was either vehicle price or lack of charging stations. However, the biggest issue is a bit different. The power grid in the U.S. does not have the transformer capacity to handle multiple households charging electric vehicles simultaneously, meaning blown transformers and power outages. One possible remedy would be to begin investments in the power infrastructure so that the grid will be ready for the inevitable electrical load.

This paragraph has two problems, one more minor problem within a larger problem. The first signal word indicating it is a problem is “dilemmas”; the problem is the overall adoption of electric vehicles. The specific problem within the larger problem also has a signal word. The word “issue” signals that there is another problem being presented. The solution is signaled by the word “remedy.” It also helps to look at the signal words in context by looking at the words around them. The word that comes before “remedy” is the word “one,” this indicates that there is more than one solution to the problem and that the reader should be on the lookout for more content.

Example 2

Growing and maintaining a healthy garden is not an easy task. An unsuccessful garden can be attributed to a myriad of factors. The biggest hurdle for most gardeners in producing a successful garden is the right balance of water, soil, and sunlight. Another issue that leads to failure is having to deal with the animals that see the garden as a delicious meal that’s free for the taking. Those are just two of the problems that gardeners face. However, how can they be remedied? There is not one single answer to these problems, but with some guidance, a new gardener can have some success.

This paragraph exemplifies how a single problem and solution in one paragraph are not always working. In this case, the opening paragraph lays out several smaller problems under the more significant overall problem. Several signal words indicate that the text is a problem and solution; words like “myriad,” “factors,” “hurdle,” “issue,” and “problems” all signal the type of structure. In this case, the problems are presented in the opening paragraph, and the subsequent paragraphs will present the solutions to each problem.

A school paper wrote about a girl and a group of bullied students and called it: Students Band Together to Beat Bullying, which is an example of a problem and solution article.

Image of a Girl being Bullied

Significance of Problem and Solution Structure

What is the significance of using problem and solution, and why is it important to understand regarding non-fiction writing? There are several reasons why problem and solution work well as a structure when presenting information about a problem that has or had a specific solution.

  • Comprehension: The human brain likes organization, and when information is presented in a predictable and organized way, it is easier to understand. There is a reason why news articles that use lists like 10 Winners from the Debate or 20 biggest Moments of the Year are often the most read online articles. The information is presented predictably and logically, which lets people put the information into mental categories and is easier to recall.
    • It also helps because readers can identify the issue and how people tried to resolve or did resolve the problem. When that occurs, it is easier to see what details expand on the problems and what details expand on the solution.
  • Skimming: Almost everyone can probably attest to the feeling of clicking a news article with an intriguing title only to discover that the little scroll bar is tiny and the article is enormous. Sometimes people like to skim text for the main ideas. When problem and solution are used in a structured way, it allows the reader to do a quick skim and still get the general context.
  • Highlighting the Problem and Solution: Signal words do two things for a reader. The first thing is that they signal the overall structure of the text. Secondly, they indicate where the reader can find the problem and the solution within the greater text.
    • Suppose a test question asks what the problem from the passage was. If the reader could identify the signal words, they could easily find the problem and the solutions without rereading it all.
  • Details: The structure also allows the reader to find the problem and solution details quickly. Because the structure is predictable, making it easier to navigate when looking for the more minor details of either the problem or the solution.

Lesson Summary

A problem and solution text structure is a structure of non-fiction text that presents problems and solutions in a structured and easily identifiable way. The structure can sometimes be confused with other non-fiction text structures like cause and effect, compare and contrast chronological order, and listing.

One of the keys to reading and writing problem and solution text is using signal words. There are signal words that indicate the problem and separate words that indicate the solution. The structure can also look different depending on how many problems and solutions are presented. Problem and solution text structure is significant in writing because it provides a better comprehension of the text, allows the reader to skim the text for information, highlights the problem and solution, and makes it easier to find specific details.