Course Content
Chapter 3: Writing Mechanics Help
Chapter 12: Teaching Writing
Chapter 23: Teaching Reading
College English Composition: Help and Review
About Lesson

How Does it All Work?

Before any course is set to begin, you must update the syllabus and set up the course. English courses are no different. If the syllabus was designed by the school, only your information needs to be updated. If the syllabus was designed by you, it must be sent into the department chair or associate dean for approval. Students need to know how to contact you if they have questions. Expectations or a course overview should also be posted.

In courses such as ENG 101 or Writing Comprehension, the goal is to help the student understand the writing process. Each weekly assignment should be designed to teach one aspect of the writing process. For example, Week 1 might cover choosing a topic and pre-writing; in Week 2, the students write a thesis statement and create a working outline; Week 3 a rough draft is developed; and in Week 4, you show the students how to revise and edit to create a final draft. An English grammar course may be set up a bit differently. Each week may focus on various grammar concepts. Week 1 may cover subjects and predicates in a sentence. Week 2 and Week 3 might stress writing complete sentences, proper subject-verb agreement, correcting run-on sentences, comma splices, and fragments. The final week of the grammar course may cover punctuation.

If the course has required weekly live sessions, the link for the online classroom should be embedded and the lecture time added into the appropriate area. A live session is an excellent time to present specific material for each week. These presentations could range from pre-writing activities, sentence structure, or even APA formatting. Live sessions are especially helpful for English learners, as the instructor can ‘screen share’ information, using video and voice.

Whether the student is an eighteen year old freshman, or a returning older student, anxiety could hinder the learning process. But you can help students feel more comfortable and rise to their potential in this online setting. Interacting in the discussion is one way to help students. In an English course, discussion is an excellent place to model proper sentence structure and voice, helping students understand the value of proper English grammar, both in the classroom and in the workplace.

How Does an Instructor Grade English Assignments?

One of the largest responsibilities of an online English instructor is grading assignments in a timely manner. English is a subject in which the understanding of skills build upon each other. Most schools require submitted assignments to be graded within 24-48 hours, while others allow up to seven days for longer assignments like research papers. Giving feedback on each assignment is vital as well, as it shows the student the areas where improvement is necessary. If a student is using incorrect grammar or spelling within their work, explaining the specific rules regarding them is essential for understanding. When responding to an essay draft, specific comments about subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, or essay formatting can guide the student in understanding the course objectives.

After the course is over, it is your responsibility to make sure that all assignments have grades and feedback. Then, finalize the grade book and either submit final grades, or send the grade book to the department chair or associate dean.

Lesson Summary

Learning English online allows education or come to all students. An English instructor’s duties depends on the each individual school. It is quite possible to create a positive learning environment if the instructor remains involved in discussion and gives constant feedback to students. Reviewing grammar rules throughout the course is a great way to help the success of your students.