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Journal Article

A journal article is a piece of research, usually scientific or scholarly, published in a peer-reviewed academic journal. They are usually written by professionals and reviewed by other professionals in the same field before publication.

Journal articles are considered one of the highest quality sources of information on a given topic. It takes time and effort to write such an article, but it helps researchers and academics to disseminate their findings in an organized manner. They are typically longer than magazine articles but shorter than books and often contain a mix of text, images, and tables.

Journal Article Examples

As more people turn to the Internet for research, physical journals are becoming harder to find. With the rise of digital publishing, many academic journals have opted to go online only. However, they are still bound by the same rules they have always followed: they must be peer-reviewed and published to be considered valid.

Journal articles can be found in academic journals and scholarly magazines like The Economist or The New Yorker. They often come in the form of essays, opinion pieces, or news articles that provide unique insights into a particular subject area. Journal articles are a highly credible source for people who want to learn about a certain topic. They are usually published in peer-reviewed journals and cover a wide range of topics in a specific field. A journal article usually has an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.

Journal articles provide an insight into what is happening in the world of research, science, and academia. They can help someone better understand the world and how it is changing.

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Academic Journal Examples

There are many academic journals that publish research in various fields.

  • The Journal of Cognitive Psychology is a journal that publishes research on the cognitive psychology of human behavior.
  • The Journal of World-Systems Research publishes papers and articles on social theory and international relations.
  • The Lancet publishes original research articles, reviews, editorials, letters, and commentaries on all aspects of public health.
  • Annals of Internal Medicine publishes original research articles on clinical topics that are relevant to internal medicine and its subspecialties. These include cardiology, gastroenterology, and hepatology, hematology/oncology, infectious diseases, nephrology/diabetes/endocrinology/pulmonary/renal transplant

Some other examples of academic journals include:

  • The Journal of American Studies
  • The International Journal of Accounting
  • Journal of Banking and Finance
  • Journal of Business Logistics

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Peer-reviewed journal articles are published in a scientific journal that experts in the field have reviewed. This means that the article is checked for errors and mistakes before publication.

The journal is sponsored by an academic institution, university, or other similar organization. Peer-reviewed articles are typically written by researchers from the field of study and submitted to the journal for publication consideration.

Peer-Reviewed Article Examples

There are many ways to publish a peer-reviewed article. Some examples include publishing in academic journals, magazines, and newspapers.

The purpose of peer review is to ensure that articles are well-written, accurate, and relevant to the topic at hand. The goal of peer review is to ensure quality and build trust in the scientific process.

Peer-reviewed articles are published by experts in their field and are often cited as the best sources for information.

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The following articles are examples of peer-reviewed articles.

  • “Diversity in Labrador Inuit sled dog diets: Insights from 13C and 15N Analysis of Dog Bone and Dentine Collagen” by Dr. Lissa Rankin.
  • “Me, My Selfie, and I: The Relations Between Selfie Behaviors, Body Image, Self-Objectification, and Self-Esteem in Young Women” by Veldhuis, J.
  • “Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Among Individuals With Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder” by Goetter, E. M.

Scholarly Journal Articles

A scholarly journal article is a document that presents the results of original research in an academic discipline. It is often peer-reviewed and published in a journal, which publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles. They are typically written by academics who share their research findings with the academic community.

Scholarly journal articles are usually written by academics who are experts in their fields of study and have access to information that most people do not.

The publication process for scholarly journals can be expensive and time-consuming, but the benefits can be great for both the author and the publisher. The author gains recognition for their work, and the publisher earns revenue from advertising or subscriptions.

Scholarly journal articles have been around for a long time. Still, their popularity has increased over the last few decades as they have become more accessible through online publishing, which has made it easier for scholars to publish their work and share it with the world.

Scholarly Articles Examples

There are many different types of scholarly journal articles. The following are some examples of scholarly journal articles that you can find on the Internet:

  • Research article
  • Analysis article
  • Review article
  • Commentary article

How to Identify a Journal Article

A journal article is an academic paper written by scientists, scholars, or other experts. It is typically published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

When looking for a journal article, there are some things to keep in mind. First of all, do a Google search for the journal and its title. Search for the article’s author’s name or keywords if found.

If one needs help finding articles online, use databases such as Google Scholar or Scopus. You can also use library databases like JSTOR and EBSCO to find articles online. To search for articles about specific topics on a database or library, include specific information about the author’s credentials, bibliographic list of sources, or formal language.

How to Use Journal Articles

Journal articles are a great resource for supporting claims in one’s writing. They are a good source of information and data to support arguments in essays, publications, magazines, and blogs. Journal articles can also be used as sources for statistics and information not available elsewhere.

Journal articles usually have many limitations, such as not providing much detail on what is happening or not providing any personal opinion or perspective on the topic. For these reasons, journal articles should not be used to replace primary research or the writer’s personal experience.

All authors are expected to cite their sources correctly. There are several different academic citation styles. Each discipline has its specified citation style, which has its own rules.

Here is a list of some of the most popular citation styles:

  • MLA: Modern Language Association
  • Chicago: Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)
  • APA: American Psychological Association
  • Turabian Style
  • Harvard Style

How to Write a Journal Article

Journal articles usually follow a specific format, including an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. A journal article should be written to address a specific question. The process of writing a journal article can be challenging to some individuals because it requires them to present their findings in an organized manner while also providing evidence for their claims. However, there are some steps that can help individuals who are looking to write one on their own.

The introduction section is where the author provides an overview of their work and discusses the background to their topic. This section also includes any literature reviews that were conducted beforehand.

The methods section discusses what was done on the experiment or study to attain results.

Results are discussed in this section, while discussion can be found in the conclusion section, which wraps up what has been discussed in previous sections.

Simple steps to writing a journal article:

  1. Read the journal article guidelines
  2. Draft your idea
  3. Write the introduction
  4. Write the methods and the results sections first
  5. Write the discussion section last
  6. End with a strong conclusion

Journal Article Summary Example

Journal article abstracts are usually written in a concise manner and provide an overview of the article’s content. An abstract serves as a summary of the article. It provides a brief overview of the paper’s content, and it is separated into sections that include the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions.

A good abstract should include the following: the title of the journal article, the name of the author(s), a brief summary of what will be discussed in the article, and why the particular article was chosen for publication.

Abstract Example: The purpose of this study was to investigate how different types of emotions are represented in advertising. Specifically, we examined whether or not advertisements with happy and sad faces were more effective at eliciting these emotions compared to advertisements with neutral faces. We also investigated whether or not people would be more likely to purchase products that were advertised with happy or sad faces. In each case, we found that people were more likely to purchase products that were advertised with happy or sad faces than they would be if an advertisement featured a neutral face.

Lesson Summary

Journal articles are well-researched, high-quality articles that are submitted to academic publications. Peer-reviewed articles are reviewed and studied by other experts in the publication’s field. There are several strong resources for finding journal articles, including, but not limited to, library databases, the publication’s website, or searching journal titles on sites such as Google Scholar. The way to determine if an article is scholarly or not is to look at the vernacular used, bibliography, and author credentials. To use journal articles for individual works, one can use quotes (properly cited) and statistics to support arguments.